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Welcome to Texel Family Villa

Polder ’t Noorden is home to migratory birds and farmers who love nature. Bordering the tidy rows of fields and colourful tulip fields, you’ll find the Utopia bird sanctuary. Cross the dike, and you’ll encounter De Schorren. This unique coastal salt marsh organically flows with the tides, changing colours with the seasons. It especially stands out as the beloved nesting site of the Eurasian spoonbill! At the centre of all this natural splendour is the Texel Family Villa. Some say it’s backwater... But we’re convinced it’s paradise. Tranquillity. Wide open spaces. They ground you, reminding you of what matters: family, friends, good times, and time spent together. You’ll experience them all on Texel in this gorgeous eight-person family home.

Home away on Texel

Reijer and Anneke Oskam – the owners – washed up on the shores of Texel in 2015. With their daughter in tow, they aimed to create a new home surrounded by nature. They were already in love with the Wadden, which made Texel the perfect choice. ‘It’s a miniature version of the Netherlands, with all the amenities, e.g. a school, shops, and restaurants.’ And they were instantly sold when they spotted an ‘abandoned’ plot near De Cocksdorp. ‘It feels so free and unspoilt here. The sea is practically just around the corner. It’s heaven to spend some quality me-time, daydreaming on the dike while the birds scuttle across the coastal mud flats. The nights still turn pitch black. If you look up, the sky is a tapestry of constellations. Personally, we’re chuffed when the wind picks up. A storm now and again is part of island life. It makes you feel alive!’

Polder pioneers

Texel Family Villa has a beautiful history. Intrepid farmers gazed at this unique spot and recognised its potential. Family Boon, in particular, bet the farm to...start a farm! In 1897, they started the Klein Zeeland farm. With toil and trouble, they tilled the land. But as the adage goes, you reap what you sow! Unfortunately, World War II threw a spanner in the works. Georgian POWs rose up against the occupying German forces. The lighthouse was shelled, and several farms were destroyed. Klein Zeeland also took heavy damage. But the farm was rebuilt in 1947. For the most part, sheep grazed the land in the decades to follow. Now, we’re forging a new path by building a home and Texel Family Villa – Nieuw Zeeland. It might not be farming, but we cherish this land just like our predecessors did.

Live like a local on Texel

De Slufter

This nature reserve is unlike any other. Full of creeks and narrow, rustic trails, the sea drifts in unimpeded here. Consequently, it’s also home to rare fauna like sea lavender and marsh samphire.

Restaurant Floris

The Prins Hendrik Hotel can be found at the base of the dike. Recently remodelled, this restaurant is a gorgeous landmark. Even better, it’s within walking distance, and the food is to die for! Be sure to book in advance.


If you’re visiting Texel, you must climb the lighthouse. 118 steps later, you’re on top of the world, with majestic sea views. Read about this monument’s illustrious past on the way up. Never mind the wind in your hair!

Book Texel Family Villa

The sea is calling

Texel is synonymous with the seaside. And our family home is just a stone’s throw away. Beyond the dike, the Wadden Sea beckons. Feel the soft sand under your feet. It’s only a 10-minute drive away.

Peace and privacy

The holiday home occupies a 3,000 m2 plot. In effect, it’s your own private ‘island’. Bask in the spacious garden with its cosy nooks and hideaways and the quiet family home.

Modern and luxurious

The 8-person family villa is luxury at its best. Want to watch your favourite series in the privacy of your own room? Longing to unwind in a hot bath? How about an evening snuggled up together on the couch? There’s space for all that and more!